
An Honorable Job: The Work of a Vet

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An Honorable Job: The Work of a Vet

Veterinarians are sometimes seen as lucky professionals who get to cuddle with dogs and cats all day, but the truth of it is, they have a difficult job. Not only do vets have to deduce what is bothering animals who cannot speak, but they have to observe the animals' pain, day in and day out. Nevertheless, these selfless veterinarians press on, aiming to offer the best care to their four-legged clients and their owners. On this website, we aim to show our appreciation for the hard work of veterinarians. We also aim to educate our readers about the veterinary profession and the importance of good veterinary care.



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The Benefits of Spaying Your Female Cat

If you are the owner of a female kitten or adult-sized female cat, you have likely heard that spaying your feline is an important procedure to have conducted. There are several reasons why pet owners have their cats spayed or neutered. Here are some benefits of spaying your female cat.

Kittens Are Not a Part of Your Future

If you do not want your cat to have kittens of her own, spaying her is a permanent fix for this problem. When a cat is spayed, its reproductive organs are removed from its body via a surgical procedure. If your cat happens to have intercourse with a male cat, your cat will not be able to become pregnant. This procedure is usually conducted before a cat can reproduce. This usually happens before a cat reaches a year of age. It is best to have a veterinarian provide your cat with a complete checkup to determine its approximate age before a spay session is booked.

Some Reproductive Problems Are No Longer Issues

If your pet has her reproductive organs removed from her body, she is no longer at risk for having issues with the reproductive system. This includes reproductive cancers. When a cat becomes of kitten-bearing age, she is more susceptible to having issues with her reproductive organs, especially if she has already had a litter of kittens. When you have your pet spayed, however, this is not a problem you will need to deal with at all. If your pet had reproductive problems in the past, be sure to alert your cat's veterinarian so they can complete an evaluation to determine whether spaying will indeed improve the quality of your pet's life overall.

Poor Behaviors Are Usually Not as Noticeable

A female cat that has not been spayed will display some behaviors that are considered less than desirable. When your pet is "in heat", or ready to find a mate to reproduce with, she will become either extra affectionate or hard to get along with. If you have other pets in your household, your unspayed cat may start fights with them. She may try to get out of your home, even if she is an indoor cat. She may yowl loudly, especially during the nighttime hours. She may also crouch down and "march" her feet up and down at spontaneous times. Many of these behaviors will cease altogether after the cat has been altered.